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It all began at the end of 2012 with the realization of a vision. In March 2013, 'Deutschsprachige in Brasilien' went online with its own website and social media channels. Since May 2019, at the request of our Brazilian club members, we have been offering our services under the name "Cultura Alemã".

Our goal is to promote cultural exchange and thereby make a small contribution to international understanding.

Cultura Alemã serves as:
- A contact point for newcomers from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
- An information and exchange hub for German speakers who have been living in Brazil for a longer time.
- A source of tips for those returning to their old homeland.
- A source of tips for those emigrating from Brazil to Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.

Cultura Alemã offers a comprehensive range of services to promote cultural exchange between Brazil and German-speaking countries. Here are some of their offerings:
- Language courses in German, Portuguese, and English.
- Support for Brazilians moving to Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, including entry requirements and assistance with
finding housing or employment.
- Guidance for Brazilian students who wish to study in Germany.
- Meetings for personal exchange and getting to know one another.
- Networking opportunities through social media.
- Travel advice for business travelers or tourists between Brazil and German-speaking countries.
- Consultation and organization of events, concerts, exhibitions, fairs, and film projects.

Cultura Alemã is a valuable partner for anyone who wants to actively engage with Germany and its culture and who has an interest in the German language. This strengthens cultural exchange and understanding between the countries.

Cultura Alemã operates independently and is free from governmental, political, and religious influences. This allows us to act flexibly and neutrally, enabling us to fully focus on our goals.

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